


. Educate whatever engineering professionals society requires

. Offer a wide and growing variety of postgraduate education alternatives

. Contribute new knowledge in engineering and related disciplines through its research groups

. Consult and transfer technology to the national economy and institutions


The school occupies more than 70000 m2, distributed in three buildings: Av. Paseo Colón 850,

Av. Las Heras 2214 y Pabellón de Industrias, at the Ciudad Universitaria, all located within the

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

Students and staff

Over 7500 students, including a growing number from Latin-America and Europe attend our

classrooms and laboratories.

Our staff consists of over 1500 teachers and researchers


After graduating its first engineer in 1870, more than 35000 others have followed. FIUBA

has become an important asset for national development. This school continues to

transfer the information, knowledge and experience obtained by its research and

development teams to its host community.

Educational programs

10 Undergraduate Degrees

1 Professional License

15 Specialization Degrees

11 Masters Programs

Doctoral Program

Research and development

The school is home to over 70 research teams, many of which work in collaboration with other

national and international institutions.


All undergraduate degrees, as well as the doctoral program, are free from fees.

Specialization degrees and masters programs are encumbered by tuition, but often assisted

by scholarship and fee-remission schemes.


Paseo Colón Site l Av. Paseo Colón 850 (C1063ACV)

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Tel: (+5411) 528 - 50518

Las Heras Site l Av. Las Heras 2214 (C1127AAR)

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Tel: (+5411) 528 - 50226.

Ciudad Universitaria Site l Pabellón Industrias Núñez

Tel: (+5411) 4576.3240 / 41