Laboratorio de Fluidodinámica - Publicaciones
. Audier, P. ; Sciammarella, D.; Artana, G. O. Pre-switching bifurcation of a slender jet, Physics of Fluids, 28, 017103 (2016)
. Gronskis, A.; Artana, G. O. A simple and efficient direct forcing immersed boundary method combined with a high order compact scheme for simulating flows with moving rigid boundaries, Computers & Fluids, 124, 2, 86–104, (2016) (+)
. Debien, A.; Von Krbek, K.; Mazellier, N.; Duriez, T.; Cordier, L.; Noack, B. R.; Abel, M.; Kourta, A. Closed-loop separation control over a sharp edge ramp using genetic programming Experiments in Fluids 57, (2016)
. Bianchetti, A.; Hernández Sánchez, S.; Cabaleiro, J. M. “Electroosmotic flow profile distortion due to Laplace pressures at the end reservoirs”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20:11. DOI 10.1007/s10404-015-1698-6 (2016)
. Gautier, N.; Aider, J.-L.; Duriez, T.; Noack, B. R.; Segond, M.; Abel, M. Closed-loop separation control using machine learning , Journal of Fluid Mechanics 770, pp 442– 457, (2015)
. Parezanovic, V.; Laurentie, J.-CH-; Fourment, C.; Delville, J.; Spohn, A.; Duriez, Th.; Cordier, L.; Noack, B. R.; Abel, M.; Segond, M.; Shaqarin, T.; Bruton, S. L.. Mixing Layer Manipulation Experiment, Flow Turbulence and Combustion , 94, pp 155--173, (2015).
. M.I. AULIEL, F. CASTRO HEBRERO, R. SOSA, G. ARTANA, Gravity driven soap film dynamics in subcritical regimes, Physical Review E, 92 (4),0043009, (2015).
. F. TUERKE, D. SCIAMARELLA, L. R. PASTUR, F. LUSSEYRAN, G. ARTANA, Frequency-selection mechanism in incompressible open-cavity flows via reflected instability waves, Physical Review E, 91 (1), 013005, (2015).
. D. SCIAMARELLA, G: ARTANA, Relaxation to one-dimensional post-glottal flow in a vocal fold model, Speech communication, 66, 176-181, (2015).
. A. J. CONDE, A. BIANCHETTI, F. VEIRAS, A. FEDERICO, J.M. CABALEIRO, M. DUFVA, R. E. MADRID, L. FRAIGI, “A polymer chip-integrable piezoelectric micropump with low backpressure dependence”, RSC Advances, 5, 49996–50000, (2015).
. J. M. CABALEIRO, C. LABORDE, G. ARTANA, "Interaction between a laminar starting immersed micro-jet and a parallel wall", Physics of Fluids 27, 013601 (2015).
. J. D'ADAMO, R. GODOY-DIANA, J. E.WESFREID, Centrifugal instability of Stokes layers in crossflow: the case of a forced cylinder wake, Proc. R. Soc. A, 471, 2178, (2015)
. TH DURIEZ, S BRUNTON, B R. NOACK Machine Learning Control Taming Nonlinear Dynamics and Turbulence, Book, Springer ISBN 978-3-319-40623-7, (2016)
Publicaciones en congresos
. O. MOREAU, J. M. CABALEIRO, T. PAILLAT, G. ARTANA AND G. TOUCHARD, “Influence of the wall shearing stress on flow electrification”, International Symposium on Non thermal Plasmas Electrical Discharges And Dielectric Material, october 26-29th, (2015), La Réunion Island.
. P. LEBLANC, J. M. CABALEIRO AND T. PAILLAT, "Numerical study of Electrical double layer development: Analysis of the charge genesis", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 646, pp 012049, 2015.
Trabajos presentados en congresos
. F. TUERKE, D SCIAMARELLA, L RITACCO, L PASTUR, F LUSSEYRAN, J D’ADAMO, AND G ARTANA. Fluid-dynamical double-cavity properties of the laryngeal ventricle. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Viña del Mar, Chile, 2016
. CASTRO HEBRERO F; J D'ADAMO; R SOSA; G ARTANA, Control of cylinder oscillations by plasma actuators HELIX 2015: Fluid-Structure Interactions and Vortex Dynamics in Aerodynamics, Poquerolles; 2015
. F TUERKE; L PASTUR; F LUSSEYRAN; D SCIAMMARELLA; G ARTANA Frequency-selection mechanism in incompressible open-cavity flows via re- flected instability waves Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics (BIFD), Paris; 2015;
. P. LEBLANC, J.M CABALEIRO AND T. PAILLAT, “Numerical study of Electrical double layer development: Analysis of the charge genesis”, Electrostatics 2015, 12-16 april 2015, Southampton, UK
. CONDE, A.J., BATALLA, M., CERDA, B., MYKHAYLYK, O., PLANK, C., PODHAJCER, O., CABALEIRO, J.M., MADRID, R Y POLICASTRO, L. “Plataforma microfluídica portatil y de bajo costo para la síntesis de liposomas y magnetoliposomas”, II Workshop Argentino de Microfluídica, Santa Fe, Octubre de 2015.
. G FURTADO PAES, J.M. CABALEIRO Y O.MARTÍNEZ, “Desarrollo de una plataforma de fabricación y estudio de dispositivos para microfluídica”, II Workshop Argentino de Microfluídica, Santa Fe, Octubre de 2015.
. P. GARCÍA EIJÓ, J. M. CABALEIRO Y R. SOSA, “Desarrollo de micro chorros pulsados para el control activo de escurrimientos, mediante el empleo de plasmas fríos”, II Workshop Argentino de Microfluídica, Santa Fe, Octubre de 2015.
. J. M. CABALERIO, “Flow electrification and electrical double layer”, Jornada de presentación de trabajos del Laboratorio Internacional de Física y Mecánica de Fluidos, Buenos Aires, octubre de 2015. Presentación oral.
. Bernd Noack, Laurent Cordier, Vladimir Parezanovic, Jean-Paul Bonnet, Nicolas Gautier, Jean Luc Aider, Cedric Raibaudo, Christophe Cuvier, Michel Stanislas, Antoine Debien, Nicolas Mazellier, Azeddine Kourta, Markus Abel, Thomas Duriez, Robert Niven, Steven BruntonClosed-loop turbulence control using machine learning, Workshop on Model Order Reduction of Transport-dominated Phenomena, Berlin, May 2015
. Bernd Noack, Laurent Cordier, Vladimir Parezanovic, Jean-Paul Bonnet, Nicolas Gautier, Jean Luc Aider, Cedric Raibaudo, Christophe Cuvier, Michel Stanislas, Antoine Debien, Nicolas Mazellier, Azeddine Kourta, Markus Abel, Thomas Duriez, Robert Niven, Steven Brunton,Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT15), Paris, France. Paris France, July 2015
. Bernd Noack, Laurent Cordier, Vladimir Parezanovic, Jean-Paul Bonnet, Nicolas Gautier, Jean Luc Aider, Cedric Raibaudo, Christophe Cuvier, Michel Stanislas, Antoine Debien, Nicolas Mazellier, Azeddine Kourta, Markus Abel, Thomas Duriez, Robert Niven, Steven Brunton, Closed-loop turbulence control using machine learning Simposio Wither Turbulence and Big Data In The 21st Century, April, Cargèse, France 2015